Avoiding rejection could be crippling your life. The fact is, if you are not being rejected you are either not asking for things, or you are not trying to ask for big things, the kinds of things some people will say no to.
Jia Jiang’s book Rejection Proof is available here. This is what he says he learned doing these experiments.
- Rejection is a muscle. If you don’t constantly work outside your comfort zone, you’ll lose it and you’ll become weak and timid.
- Rejection is a numbers game. Fight through enough no’s and you will eventually find a yes.
- Avoiding rejection is worse than receiving it. Most people believe avoiding rejection is a good thing, by avoiding something bad we’ve dodged a bullet and we are somehow net positive, but that’s not true. When we shy away from rejection we reject ourselves and our ideas before the world ever has a chance to reject them. This is the worst form of rejection and as a result, we are ignored by the world.
The video is a great 15 minute course in why you should embrace rejection. Enjoy.